This is quite possibly one of the the most insane rare CD purchases I've seen in my history of following this stuff. "This CD was released locally (2003) in the Seattle area only, about a year before her major label debut was released." [Columbia Records signed Carlile in late 2004].
For those who don't know, ask a girl about Brandi...her songs have been frequently played on Grey's Anatomy.
Brandi Carlile Band CD goes for $710 on ebay (49 bids).
UPDATE: (1-3-08) One sells for $365.90 on ebay (32 bids).
The same CD also is available with an alternative cover:

The alternate cover version recently sold for $51.05 on ebay (15 bids) (12-21-07)
why is the alternative version selling for less?? That was the first pressing of the album (I should know...I bought it when it came out).
Not that i would sell my copy for anything tho :)
I forget which one I have - I even have her autograph on it. I'd be willing to part with it. I love this album, but it's ripped on MP3 and I'm cool with that.
Tien - How much are you asking for the CD? Let me know at
Cheers --Bill
I just found "We're Growing Up" on ebay and was looking up info on it when I came across your blog. I LOVE Brandi Carlile and want the CD obviously. Is it still worth a lot? I'm not sure how high I should bid. Thanks!
Holly - I haven't tracked that one in awhile, but from what I recall it was still fetching a pretty good price as it remains out of print and very hard to find. Wish I could help further...good luck! Let us know if you win! Cheers --Bill
Thanks so much Bill! I'll definitely let you know if I win. I have a feeling it'll go out of my price range but no harm in trying. Take care! ;)
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