Jon Paul Allen (a.k.a. Frank E. Slingsby) is the veteran of the English blues boom/Brit invasion whose career has spanned nearly 3 decades. His third album under the moniker Slingsby Hornets is aptly titled "Something Old Something New". The title is spot on because he expertly blends modern power pop with guitar tones and song structures from the golden era of classic rock.
A distinguishing feature of Slingsby Hornets that will jump out at you immediately is the use of the signature Brian May (Queen) guitar sound. He's nailed the tone and does plenty of those trademark guitar harmonies. Some of the riffs sound like they could have been used in those Bill and Ted movies. Beyond the pleasant nostalgia, Allen does a fine job keeping the atmosphere fun and light on this one, making "Something Old Something New" a real treat from beginning to end. Vocally, he's got that raspy tone that reminds me of Donnie Vie (Enuff Z'Nuff).
Standout tracks include "Elevator", "Gettin' Better", "She's The One", and "Are Friends Electric?". Odds are you'll find something to groove to no matter when you were born - there are elements of the past (Queen, T. Rex, Sweet) as well as the present (Enuff Z'Nuff, Teenage Fanclub, Jellyfish). See what the buzz is about and check out the Slingsby Hornets today!
iPOD-worthy: 2, 3, 5, 8, 10
Slingsby Hornets on MySpace. Official site.
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