From Jim Basnight:
We are extremely pleased to announce to you our friends, and fellow
music fans the release on the NYC based label Disclosed Records of a
career retrospective CD titled "We Rocked and Rolled: The First 25
Years of Jim Basnight: The Moberlys and Beyond".
"We Rocked and Rolled" will be available in all of the usual places
that you buy CDs, as we wind into 2009, but if you want to put it in
your own player and spin it now, just send $15 through paypal at
jim@jimbasnight.com and of course include your mailing address. If
you'd rather pay by check and have a U.S. bank account, just send
payment to Jim Basnight, 7616 Latona NE, Seattle, WA 98115. If you
live outside of the U.S. or Canada, add $5 for shipping and handling.
Of course a postal money order is acceptable.
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