Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Review: The Shadow Kabinet "Smiling Worlds Apart"

The Shadow Kabinet is the vehicle for one-man band Steve Somerset to showcase his penchant for Beatlesque melodies and harmonies. The multi-talented Somerset does just about everything on the aptly named "Smiling Worlds Apart". The music seems designed to gently lift your spirits and put on a smile on your face. With tracks like "Trouble and Strife", The Shadow Kabinet is always there with words of encouragement for you.

Musically and vocally The Shadow Kabinet reminds me more of Julian Lennon, particularly during the "Help Yourself" period. The vocals are smooth and soothing, especially on the majestic opening track, "There Must Have Been A Moment". Somerset is a versatile songwriter, going beyond the comfort zone of strict Beatles styled songwriting to venture into surf rock ("Surfing on the Shadows"), psychedelia (the title track), novelty pop ("Bad Hair Day"), and even a bit of baroque music ("Tabla Motown"). The impressive 19 song set, clocking in over an hour, provides plenty of tasty morsels for those who are hungering for a classic pop buffet.

Standout dishes served from The Shadow Kabinet that appeal to my palate the most include "There Must Have Been A Moment", "Office Life", "Is She?", and "She Rules The Roost".

The Shadow Kabinet is a wonderful opportunity to experience the shimmering and soothing sounds from a bygone era in pop music history. Somerset's songwriting style and vocals will trigger intense feelings of nostalgia for more seasoned music fans. With any luck, he will also recruit a new legion of younger music fans to join in the appreciation of this classic sound as Andy Partridge (XTC) has done.

iPOD-worthy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 17

The Shadow Kabinet on MySpace. Official site and videos.

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