Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Review: R.E.M. "Accelerate"

I was in no rush to get my hands on "Accelerate", since R.E.M. appeared to put the brakes on writing quality alternative ROCK. It is no secret that somewhere around the time of "New Adventures in Hi-Fi" and the unfortunate loss of Bill Berry from the band, R.E.M. morphed into a lumbering, sleepy, and unmelodious snorefest.

So like many fans, I agree that "Accelerate" is the long-awaited "return to form" - the R.E.M. record we've been waiting for since "Monster" in the early 90s. I am not going to exaggerate and call this a masterpiece or perfect record, but I can honestly say that I could not be more happy with what R.E.M. has done here. By and large, the record rocks from beginning to end, and the few ballads even have a gritty or dark edge. Stipe's intelligent and poignant lyrics are still omnipresent, but finally backed by music that makes you remember the words, and thus the message.

The record opens with more of a 1-2-3 punch than any other R.E.M. release in recent memory. "Living Well is the Best Revenge" sets the stage for what is to come, and will forever be remembered as the first song ever to rhyme apostles with nostrils. Next up is the best track on the record, "Man-Sized Wreath", which features a brilliant chorus with signature harmony vocals. Most of you have heard the single by now, "Supernatural Superserious", another solid pop rock track. "Hollow Man" is notable for tricking you into thinking R.E.M. is going back to sleep, but then a change of pace with a kicking chorus brings it home and makes the song noteworthy. The CD fizzes a little in the middle, but roars back to end on a very strong note with a pair of garage rock tunes: "Horse To Water" and "I'm Gonna DJ".

Stipe sounds like he warmed up for most of these tracks by screaming for 5 minutes straight before recording, and it suits the tone of this music well. Buck's distorted guitar tones are some of the best and most modern-sounding he's recorded in a long time. "Accelerate" has put R.E.M. back on the fast track to being a band that is still relevant and not just spinning their wheels. The guys sound like they are inspired and having fun once again - finally - and you can't help but want to cheer them on.

iPOD-worthy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11

R.E.M. on MySpace. Official site.

Check out the video for "Hollow Man":

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