Monday, April 28, 2008

Review: The Galaxies "Here We Go!"

3-2-1...blast off! The soundtrack to this rocket ride is filled with power pop influences dating all the way back to the 60s. The Galaxies are a modern AOR fan's dream come true.

"Here We Go!" (2008) is 9 track love letter, which I gather was largely written for a new bride. Let's hope the honeymoon doesn't end soon and continues to inspire more great tunes like these.

The Galaxies have masterfully captured the tone and style of 80s pop rock, with guitars that ring out like those of .38 Special or The Outfield. The Galaxies sound like they were just handed the AOR baton from REO Speedwagon...if I didn't know better, I would have thought the vocalist (Bobby Cox) was one of Kevin Cronin's spawn.

The Galaxies launch us straight into the sun with the lead off track, "Here We Go Again," propelled by guitars that sound like they belong on a Cheap Trick record. "You Promised," a wedding song for the new millennium, sounds like something the guys from Abba might write for the Tories to perform. "Lost and Lonely" takes us back to the bright and poppy sounds of the 70s, and the mellow closing track, "An Ocean Between Us," is reminiscent of something Kenny Loggins would have written on a Sunday morning. You get the idea...all the masters of power pop from the 60s to today are at the center of The Galaxies.

Get over to CD Baby and take the "Galaxies - REO" challenge. Put on a blindfold, listen to "Baby I Believe" (track 3) and tell me you don't hear Kevin Cronin! Seriously, The Galaxies have altered the space-time continuum and fused the best of power pop roots with modern rock...highly recommended.

iPOD-worthy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9

The Galaxies on MySpace. Official site.

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