Thursday, February 21, 2008

Review: Simple Plan "Simple Plan"

I always get a little nervous when a band puts out a self-titled CD that is not their debut. It is usually an indicator that they've deviated from the formula that made them famous. So in a way, it is a fair warning to fans who want more of the same from the band.

This could not be more true with the new release from pop emo rockers Simple Plan. The first few seconds of track 1 and you'll think you accidentally put in some freaky bad dance pop CD by mistake. Thankfully, the guitar sound that is stereotypical Simple Plan kicks in without torturing us too long. It is clear the boys have tried to infuse some dance and DJ junk with good ol' rock n' roll. Let me make this clear: techno and rock are like Britney Spears and underwear...they just don't go together.

I must commend Simple Plan for other things on this CD, their third studio release. As far as the guitars and vocals, they sound phenomenal. A problem many people had with them was the thin, whiny voice of the lead singer. But on this release, he sounds better - stronger and more mature - and accentuated with some great gang vocals in the background here and there. The only thing I am having trouble with is the house music contaminating about half the tracks. Sounds like half the band quit and some of the guys from Maroon 5 replaced them. Track 6, "Generation" may be the worst of is the musical equivalent of Ipecac.

But when they stick to their original formula, it works and then some. Big bold choruses with fat hooks abound on the tracks I deem worthy for the iPOD. There are a couple moments where it sounds like these guys want to be the next Firehouse (check out the utterly sappy and unsophisticated "I Can Wait Forever"). Overall, the experiment to incorporate hip hop and techno crap should have stayed in the lab...but the classic Simple Plan tracks concentrated towards the end of CD are some of the best they've ever done.

iPOD-worthy: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10

Simple Plan on MySpace. Official Site.

Check out the car commercial...I mean video for "When I'm Gone"

1 comment:

  1. Simple Plan being called emo pop hurts a little... I urge anyone who thinks this band is "emo" to go listen to Rites of Spring, Embrace, and Sunny Day Real Estate. I guarantee you, you will get so much more out of those bands than you will out of Simple Plan.
